A Rambling Goodbye

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I'm not very good with goodbyes. I always rush through them and when I'm done and sitting alone, I think and regret all the things I should have and could have said. This platform has been amazing. I've learned so much about my love to write and capture. I don't think I will ever be able to stop, even if I was told that I could be paid millions of dollars to. But all good things must come to a close and this blog is one of them. I've been contemplating it for a while now and I've tried to change it so many times. I've tried to design it so that I would love it once more, but it has lost it's spark. This blog has become my public diary and has been the only way that I could express my thoughts when I was sad and writing was the only thing that seemed to cheer me up. I've written about everything. When I started this blog, I was in the seventh grade afraid of everything. I was so full of self doubt and couldn't get myself to look in the mirror and be happy with what I saw. I am no longer that scared little girl,and it's time to let her go completely. This book will last forever as long as the internet exists,there's no way I could ever bring myself to erasing it's history completely, but I think it's time for me to open up a new story. A new chapter.
start from a blank slate

and this is it

xoxo Ankita